
摘 要

关 键 词:恶意软件检测,行为分析,机器学习

With the rapid development of information technology, network malware poses a serious threat to information security, and traditional signature-based detection methods are difficult to cope with the increasingly complex varieties of malware. To this end, this study aims to construct a network malware detection method based on behavior analysis to improve detection accuracy and real-time performance. By collecting and analyzing the behavioral characteristics of malware in the network environment, including file operation, registry access, and network connection, the method establishes a behavioral feature library, and uses machine learning algorithms to form a detection model. The innovation lies in the integration of dynamic behavior monitoring and static code analysis, to achieve the effective identification of unknown malware. The experimental results show that this method can significantly improve the detection rate of malware and reduce the false alarm rate, especially in the face of new or variant malware. Through the test of a large number of samples, proved that the method has high robustness and generalization ability, provides a new idea for network security protection and technical means, help to enhance the security system of cyberspace, the main contribution is to break through the limitations of the traditional detection technology, for the field of malicious software detection introduced a more intelligent and comprehensive behavior analysis mechanism.

KEY WORDS:Malware detection, behavior analytics, machine learning

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状综述 1
1.3 本文研究方法概述 2
第2章 行为特征提取与分析 3
2.1 恶意软件行为模式识别 3
2.2 动态行为特征提取技术 4
2.3 行为特征向量构建方法 4
第3章 检测模型与算法设计 6
3.1 基于机器学习的检测模型 6
3.2 实时检测算法优化策略 6
3.3 模型评估与性能分析 7
第4章 系统实现与应用验证 9
4.1 检测系统架构设计 9
4.2 实验环境与数据集构建 9
4.3 应用案例与效果评估 10
结  论 12
参考文献 13
致  谢 14