摘 要
The purpose of this study is to investigate the dispersion mechanism of graphene in different matrix materials and its influence on the mechanics, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity properties of composites, and to reveal the internal connection between the microstructure and macroscopic properties of graphene-enhanced composites through the combination of systematic experiments and theoretical analysis. A variety of graphene-based composites, including polymer group, me tal group and ceramic group group, were prepared by means of solution blending, in situ polymerization and interface modification. Through a series of characterization methods such as tensile test, hardness test, conductivity measurement and thermal conductivity measurement, the influence of graphene content, dispersion state and interface interaction on the performance of composite materials is obtained. The results show that the strength, modulus, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity of the improved. When the mass fraction of graphene is 0.5%, the tensile strength of the composite increases by about 30% compared with the pure matrix, and the conductivity increases by two orders of magnitude. Meanwhile, it is found that the graphene and the matrix, which further optimizes the overall performance of the composite material. In addition, this study presents a new method to predict the properties of graphene-enhanced composites based on multi-scale simulations, which can accurately describe the interaction mechanism between graphene and matrix from atomic scale to macroscale, providing theoretical fingers for the design of high-performance graphene-based composites.
Key Words:Graphene composites; dispersion mechanism; mechanical properties
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 研究方法概述 2
第2章 石墨烯复合材料的制备技术 4
2.1 物理法制备石墨烯复合材料 4
2.2 化学法制备石墨烯复合材料 4
2.3 原位聚合法制备石墨烯复合材料 5
2.4 石墨烯复合材料的表征方法 6
第3章 石墨烯在增强复合材料性能中的应用 8
3.1 力学性能优化 8
3.1.1 强度提升机制 8
3.1.2 韧性改善策略 8
3.1.3 断裂韧性分析 8
3.1.4 应力传递效率 9
3.2 导电性能优化 9
3.2.1 电导率提升原理 9
3.2.2 导电网络构建 10
3.2.3 接触电阻降低 10
3.2.4 导电稳定性研究 10
3.3 热学性能优化 11
3.3.1 热导率提高机制 11
3.3.2 热膨胀系数调控 11
3.3.3 热稳定性增强 11
3.3.4 热界面性能改进 12
3.4 抗腐蚀性能优化 12
3.4.1 腐蚀防护机理 12
3.4.2 表面改性方法 13
3.4.3 耐候性测试评价 13
3.4.4 长效防腐策略 13
第4章 石墨烯复合材料的应用领域及前景展望 14
4.1 在航空航天领域的应用 14
4.1.1 轻质高强结构件 14
4.1.2 高温抗氧化涂层 14
4.1.3 电磁屏蔽材料 14
4.1.4 智能传感元件 15
4.2 在汽车工业中的应用 15
4.2.1 车身轻量化设计 15
4.2.2 导电塑料部件 16
4.2.3 燃料电池双极板 16
4.2.4 热管理系统 16
4.3 在电子器件中的应用 16
4.3.1 柔性电路基板 17
4.3.2 高频天线材料 17
4.3.3 散热片与散热膜 17
4.3.4 可穿戴设备组件 18
4.4 发展趋势与未来方向 18
4.4.1 新型制备工艺探索 18
4.4.2 多功能一体化设计 18
4.4.3 绿色环保理念融入 19
4.4.4 标准化体系建设 19
结 论 20
参考文献 21
致 谢 22
摘 要
The purpose of this study is to investigate the dispersion mechanism of graphene in different matrix materials and its influence on the mechanics, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity properties of composites, and to reveal the internal connection between the microstructure and macroscopic properties of graphene-enhanced composites through the combination of systematic experiments and theoretical analysis. A variety of graphene-based composites, including polymer group, me tal group and ceramic group group, were prepared by means of solution blending, in situ polymerization and interface modification. Through a series of characterization methods such as tensile test, hardness test, conductivity measurement and thermal conductivity measurement, the influence of graphene content, dispersion state and interface interaction on the performance of composite materials is obtained. The results show that the strength, modulus, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity of the improved. When the mass fraction of graphene is 0.5%, the tensile strength of the composite increases by about 30% compared with the pure matrix, and the conductivity increases by two orders of magnitude. Meanwhile, it is found that the graphene and the matrix, which further optimizes the overall performance of the composite material. In addition, this study presents a new method to predict the properties of graphene-enhanced composites based on multi-scale simulations, which can accurately describe the interaction mechanism between graphene and matrix from atomic scale to macroscale, providing theoretical fingers for the design of high-performance graphene-based composites.
Key Words:Graphene composites; dispersion mechanism; mechanical properties
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 研究方法概述 2
第2章 石墨烯复合材料的制备技术 4
2.1 物理法制备石墨烯复合材料 4
2.2 化学法制备石墨烯复合材料 4
2.3 原位聚合法制备石墨烯复合材料 5
2.4 石墨烯复合材料的表征方法 6
第3章 石墨烯在增强复合材料性能中的应用 8
3.1 力学性能优化 8
3.1.1 强度提升机制 8
3.1.2 韧性改善策略 8
3.1.3 断裂韧性分析 8
3.1.4 应力传递效率 9
3.2 导电性能优化 9
3.2.1 电导率提升原理 9
3.2.2 导电网络构建 10
3.2.3 接触电阻降低 10
3.2.4 导电稳定性研究 10
3.3 热学性能优化 11
3.3.1 热导率提高机制 11
3.3.2 热膨胀系数调控 11
3.3.3 热稳定性增强 11
3.3.4 热界面性能改进 12
3.4 抗腐蚀性能优化 12
3.4.1 腐蚀防护机理 12
3.4.2 表面改性方法 13
3.4.3 耐候性测试评价 13
3.4.4 长效防腐策略 13
第4章 石墨烯复合材料的应用领域及前景展望 14
4.1 在航空航天领域的应用 14
4.1.1 轻质高强结构件 14
4.1.2 高温抗氧化涂层 14
4.1.3 电磁屏蔽材料 14
4.1.4 智能传感元件 15
4.2 在汽车工业中的应用 15
4.2.1 车身轻量化设计 15
4.2.2 导电塑料部件 16
4.2.3 燃料电池双极板 16
4.2.4 热管理系统 16
4.3 在电子器件中的应用 16
4.3.1 柔性电路基板 17
4.3.2 高频天线材料 17
4.3.3 散热片与散热膜 17
4.3.4 可穿戴设备组件 18
4.4 发展趋势与未来方向 18
4.4.1 新型制备工艺探索 18
4.4.2 多功能一体化设计 18
4.4.3 绿色环保理念融入 19
4.4.4 标准化体系建设 19
结 论 20
参考文献 21
致 谢 22