
摘  要




Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an essential component of modern enterprise management has garnered increasing attention for its impact on brand loyalty. This study investigates the relationship between CSR and brand loyalty based on stakeholder theory and resource dependence theory, aiming to uncover the underlying mechanisms and influence paths. A review of existing literature reveals deficiencies in variable measurement and sample selection. Therefore, this study employs a questionnaire survey method, selecting 1200 employees and consumers from enterprises of various industries and sizes across the nation as samples, and uses structural equation modeling for empirical analysis. The results indicate that CSR has a significantly positive effect on corporate image, which in turn indirectly enhances brand loyalty; notably, social philanthropy responsibility exerts the most pronounced influence on brand loyalty. Moreover, firm size moderates this relationship, with large firms more likely to gain consumer recognition when fulfilling social responsibilities. Innovatively, this study introduces firm size as a moderating variable and analyzes the different influence paths of various dimensions of CSR on brand loyalty from multiple perspectives, providing theoretical support and practical guidance for enterprises to better fulfill their social responsibilities.

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility;Brand Loyalty;Corporate Image;Social Public Welfare Responsibility;Enterprise Size Moderating Role

目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
引言 1
一、企业社会责任的理论基础 1
(一)企业社会责任概念界定 1
(二)企业社会责任发展脉络 2
(三)企业社会责任评价体系 2
二、品牌忠诚度的形成机制 2
(一)品牌忠诚度内涵解析 3
(二)消费者心理与品牌忠诚 3
(三)影响品牌忠诚度的因素 3
三、企业社会责任对品牌忠诚度的影响路径 4
(一)社会责任提升品牌形象 4
(二)社会责任增强消费者信任 4
(三)社会责任促进情感联结 5
四、实证研究与案例分析 5
(一)研究设计与方法选择 5
(二)数据分析与结果呈现 6
(三)案例剖析与经验总结 6
结  论 7
致  谢 8
参考文献 9
