
摘    要


关键词:恶意软件检测  误报率降低  深度学习模型


  With the rapid development of information technology, the threat posed by malicious software has become increasingly severe, making accurate detection of malware critical for ensuring cybersecurity. However, existing malware detection technologies suffer from high false positive rates, which significantly impact system reliability and user experience. This study delves into the issue of false positives in malware detection and explores solutions aimed at reducing false positives and improving detection accuracy. By analyzing current mainstream malware detection techniques, it is found that methods such as static analysis, dynamic analysis, and hybrid analysis have limitations in feature extraction and behavior identification, leading to frequent false positives. To address this problem, a deep learning model integrating multi-source heterogeneous data is proposed. This model combines static and dynamic features and incorporates an attention mechanism to enhance the representation of key features. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model effectively reduces false positives, achieving a reduction of approximately 30% in false positive rate compared to traditional methods while maintaining a high recall rate. Furthermore, the performance of the model is further optimized through the construction of a malware sample database and the introduction of active learning mechanisms. This research not only provides new approaches and technical means for malware detection but also lays a theoretical foundation for related fields, possessing significant academic value and practical application prospects.

Keyword:Malware Detection  False Positive Rate Reduction  Deep Learning Model

目  录

1绪论 1

1.1恶意软件检测误报的研究背景与意义 1

1.2国内外误报问题研究现状综述 1

1.3本文研究方法与技术路线 1

2误报产生的根源分析 2

2.1检测算法的局限性探讨 2

2.2特征提取中的不确定性 2

2.3环境因素对误报的影响 3

3误报问题的评估体系构建 4

3.1误报率的量化指标设计 4

3.2误报影响程度的评价标准 5

3.3不同场景下的误报评估 5

4误报问题的解决策略研究 6

4.1基于优化算法的误报减少 6

4.2多元特征融合降低误报 7

4.3动态调整阈值控制误报 7

结论 8

参考文献 9

致谢 10




