
摘    要


关键词:供应链成本控制  作业成本法  区块链技术

  In the context of global economic integration, enterprises face increasingly intense market competition, making supply chain management a critical factor in enhancing corporate competitiveness. This study explores the intrinsic relationship between cost control and accounting from a supply chain perspective, aiming to construct a systematic fr amework for cost control and accounting to achieve optimal resource allocation and value maximization. By integrating literature review, case analysis, and empirical research, this study selects representative manufacturing enterprises as samples to thoroughly analyze the cost composition characteristics and accounting methods in procurement, production, and sales processes. The findings indicate that traditional cost control methods are inadequate for modern supply chain management needs, whereas a supply chain cost control system based on Activity-Based Costing (ABC) can more accurately reflect cost drivers at each stage, providing robust support for managerial decision-making. Additionally, applying blockchain technology in supply chain accounting enhances data transparency and accuracy, reducing information asymmetry risks. The research demonstrates that establishing a supply chain cost management system centered on ABC and integrating blockchain-supported accounting not only facilitates precise management but also strengthens overall supply chain synergy, creating more value for enterprises. 

Keyword:Supply Chain Cost Control  Activity-Based Costing  Blockchain Technology

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3研究方法与思路 1
2供应链成本控制的理论基础 2
2.1供应链成本构成要素 2
2.2成本控制的基本原则 3
2.3成本控制的常用方法 3
3供应链视角下的成本控制实践 4
3.1采购环节的成本控制 4
3.2生产环节的成本控制 4
3.3物流配送的成本控制 5
4供应链会计核算体系构建 6
4.1核算对象与内容 6
4.2核算方法的选择 7
4.3核算信息系统的建立 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10
