The principle of civil tort liability, as a core component of the civil law system, plays an indispensable role in maintaining social order and protecting citizens' rights. With the rapid development of the social economy, traditional principles of attribution face numerous challenges, such as the emergence of new forms of torts and the complexity of tortious acts in the online environment, which urgently require in-depth research and improvement of current attribution principles. This study aims to examine the application status and existing problems of civil tort liability attribution principles in China and proposes targeted improvement suggestions. By integrating literature analysis, case studies, and comparative legal research, this paper systematically reviews the specific application of fault-based liability, strict liability, and equitable liability principles in Chinese judicial practice, identifying issues such as ambiguous standards for attribution and unreasonable distribution of the burden of proof. The findings indicate that a diversified attribution system should be established, clarifying the bases for attributing different types of tortious acts, optimizing the mechanism for distributing the burden of proof, and strengthening preventive compensation systems. An innovative aspect of this research is the introduction of risk allocation theory, re-examining attribution principles from the perspective of interest balance to provide theoretical support for resolving tort disputes in emerging fields. It also recommends further detailing and improving relevant legal provisions at the legislative level to meet societal development needs and achieve an organic unity of legal and social effects.
Keywords:Principle Of Civil Tort Liability; Diversification Of Attribution System; Allocation Of Burden Of Proof
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一) 研究背景与意义 1
(二) 研究现状综述 1
(三) 研究方法阐述 2
二、民事侵权责任归责原则的理论基础 2
(一) 归责原则的基本概念 2
(二) 过错责任原则分析 3
(三) 无过错责任原则探讨 3
(四) 公平责任原则研究 4
三、民事侵权责任归责原则的适用现状 5
(一) 司法实践中的适用情况 5
(二) 不同领域适用特点 5
(三) 归责原则冲突现象 6
(四) 适用中存在的问题 7
四、民事侵权责任归责原则完善的路径 7
(一) 完善立法体系构建 7
(二) 明确归责原则界限 8
(三) 引入新型归责考量 8
(四) 提升司法适用能力 9
结 论 11
参考文献 12
The principle of civil tort liability, as a core component of the civil law system, plays an indispensable role in maintaining social order and protecting citizens' rights. With the rapid development of the social economy, traditional principles of attribution face numerous challenges, such as the emergence of new forms of torts and the complexity of tortious acts in the online environment, which urgently require in-depth research and improvement of current attribution principles. This study aims to examine the application status and existing problems of civil tort liability attribution principles in China and proposes targeted improvement suggestions. By integrating literature analysis, case studies, and comparative legal research, this paper systematically reviews the specific application of fault-based liability, strict liability, and equitable liability principles in Chinese judicial practice, identifying issues such as ambiguous standards for attribution and unreasonable distribution of the burden of proof. The findings indicate that a diversified attribution system should be established, clarifying the bases for attributing different types of tortious acts, optimizing the mechanism for distributing the burden of proof, and strengthening preventive compensation systems. An innovative aspect of this research is the introduction of risk allocation theory, re-examining attribution principles from the perspective of interest balance to provide theoretical support for resolving tort disputes in emerging fields. It also recommends further detailing and improving relevant legal provisions at the legislative level to meet societal development needs and achieve an organic unity of legal and social effects.
Keywords:Principle Of Civil Tort Liability; Diversification Of Attribution System; Allocation Of Burden Of Proof
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一) 研究背景与意义 1
(二) 研究现状综述 1
(三) 研究方法阐述 2
二、民事侵权责任归责原则的理论基础 2
(一) 归责原则的基本概念 2
(二) 过错责任原则分析 3
(三) 无过错责任原则探讨 3
(四) 公平责任原则研究 4
三、民事侵权责任归责原则的适用现状 5
(一) 司法实践中的适用情况 5
(二) 不同领域适用特点 5
(三) 归责原则冲突现象 6
(四) 适用中存在的问题 7
四、民事侵权责任归责原则完善的路径 7
(一) 完善立法体系构建 7
(二) 明确归责原则界限 8
(三) 引入新型归责考量 8
(四) 提升司法适用能力 9
结 论 11
参考文献 12