
摘    要


关键词:软件定义网络  网络安全  动态访问控制  威胁检测

With increasing network size and complexity, traditional network architectures face serious challenges in security and flexibility. As an emerging network architecture paradigm, the software-defined network provides new solutions for network security by separating the control plane from the data plane. This study aims to explore the application potential and practical value of SDN in the field of network security, focusing on its innovative applications in dynamic access control, threat detection and response, and network isolation. The study used the combination of experimental verification and case analysis to build the SDN security experimental platform based on OpenFlow protocol, and designed a complete set of network security protection mechanism. The experimental results show that compared with the traditional network, SDN can achieve more granular traffic control, and significantly improve the accuracy and response speed of threat detection. Meanwhile, and its programmable features make the dynamic deployment and update of security policies more flexible and efficient. The study also proposes an anomalous traffic detection model based on a machine learning algorithm, which further enhances the active defense capability of the SDN network. The innovation of this research is the combination of SDN technology and intelligent algorithm to develop a set of scalable network security fr amework, which provides a new idea for security management in large-scale network environment. The research results not only enrich the theoretical system of SDN in the field of network security, but also provide a feasible technical solution for the actual deployment, which has important academic value and practical significance.

Keyword:Software-defined network  Network security  Dynamic access control  Threat detection

目    录
1引言 1
2软件定义网络的基本原理与架构 1
2.1 SDN的核心概念与技术特征 1
2.2 SDN的层次化架构与关键技术 2
3 SDN在网络安全中的优势与挑战 3
3.1 SDN对网络安全管理的赋能作用 3
3.2 SDN在网络安全中的潜在风险分析 3
3.3 SDN安全机制的技术瓶颈与优化方向 4
4 SDN在网络安全中的典型应用场景 5
4.1 基于SDN的网络流量监控与异常检测 5
4.2 SDN驱动的动态访问控制策略实施 5
4.3 SDN在网络攻击防御中的应用实践 6
5 SDN网络安全应用的未来发展趋势 6
5.1 人工智能与SDN安全技术的融合前景 6
5.2 面向5G网络的SDN安全架构演进 7
5.3 SDN在云网融合环境下的安全挑战与对策 8
6 结论 8
参考文献 10
致谢 11





