

Under the background of global economic integration and increasingly complex financial market, commercial banks, as the core component of the financial system, their asset quality and risk management ability are directly related to financial stability and economic development. In recent years, influenced by multiple factors such as global economic fluctuations, intensified market competition, changeable policy environment and poor internal management of enterprises, the problem of non-performing loans of commercial banks has become increasingly prominent. The rise in the non-performing loan ratio not only exacerbates the operational risks of banks, but also limits their ability to serve the real economy, posing a threat to the overall stability of the financial system. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the reasons for the formation of non-performing loans of commercial banks, and explore the corresponding countermeasures. Firstly, the concept of non-performing loans is defined and the causes of NPL are analyzed from four aspects: macroeconomic environment factors, internal management defects, borrower credit problems and insufficient enforcement of laws and regulations; Strengthen the coordination of macroeconomic policies, improve the internal management system, improve the credit management level of borrowers and strengthen the formulation and implementation of laws and regulations. Through the comprehensive application of theoretical analysis and practical cases, this paper aims to provide theoretical basis and practical guidance for commercial banks to effectively manage non-performing loans, and promote the healthy and stable development of the financial market.
Key words: commercial banks; non-performing loans; risk management

摘要 1
Abstract 2
一、绪论 4
1.1 研究背景和意义 4
1.2 国内外研究现状 4
二、 相关理论概述 5
2.1 不良贷款的概念界定 5
2.2 不良贷款的类型划分 5
三、商业银行不良贷款形成的原因 5
3.1 宏观经济环境因素 5
3.2 银行内部管理缺陷 6
3.3 借款人信用问题 6
3.4 法律法规执行力度不够 6
四、 商业银行不良贷款的对策分析 7
4.1 加强宏观经济政策的协调性 7
4.1.1 优化宏观调控策略 7
4.1.2 提高政策透明度和预见性 7
4.2 完善银行内部管理体系 8
4.2.1 强化信贷审批与风险评估 8
4.2.2 建立健全内部监控与审计机制 8
4.3 提升借款人信用管理水平 8
4.3.1 加强对企业财务状况的审查 8
4.3.2 提高个人信贷资质审核标准 9
4.4 加大法律法规的制定与执行力度 9
4.4.1 完善相关法律法规体系 9
4.4.2 强化执法监管和违规惩处 10
五、 结论 10
参考文献 12




