





In this paper, the application status and importance of natural pigments in the field of confectionery and pastry are comprehensively reviewed, and the types, characteristics and unique advantages of natural pigments are deeply analyzed. First, from the definition, the natural pigments are classified in detail, and the various extraction and preparation technologies are discussed, emphasizing the key role of these technologies in maintaining the natural properties and biological activities of pigments. In the application of candy, this paper pointed out that natural pigments can not only significantly improve the visual effect of candy and attract consumers' attention, but also enhance the nutritional value of candy through its natural source, so as to meet the pursuit of modern consumers for healthy food. At the same time, with the strengthening of global regulation of food additives, the application of natural colors also helps confectionery manufacturers better cope with regulatory restrictions and market challenges. In the pastry sector, natural pigments also play an important role. They not only add rich colors to the pastries, enhance the visual appeal of the products, but also maintain the natural and healthy properties of the pastries, satisfying consumers' preference for no additions and pure nature. In addition, the natural pigment also has a certain stability and weather resistance, which helps the pastry to maintain its color and quality during storage and transportation. In order to further optimize the extraction and purification technology of natural pigments, a number of innovative strategies were proposed in this paper, including adopting advanced extraction technology, optimizing extraction process parameters, strengthening purification process, and strengthening comprehensive utilization and environmental protection treatment. These strategies aim to improve the extraction efficiency, purity and environmental protection of natural pigments, and provide better quality and safe natural pigment solutions for the confectionery and pastry industry.

Key words: Natural pigment; Candy; Pastries; Extraction technology; Purification process


一、绪论 2
1.1 研究背景 2
1.2 研究目的及意义 2
二、天然色素的种类与特性 2
2.1 定义与分类 2
2.2 提取与制备技术 3
2.3 功能特性 3
三、天然色素在糖果中的应用 3
3.1 提升糖果的视觉效果 3
3.2 增强糖果的营养价值 4
3.3 符合健康消费趋势 4
3.4 应对法规限制和市场挑战 4
四、天然色素在糕点中的应用 5
4.1 提升糕点的视觉吸引力 5
4.2 保持糕点的天然健康属性 5
4.3 增强糕点的稳定性和耐候性 6
4.4 顺应市场趋势和法规要求 6
五、天然色素的提取与纯化技术的优化建议 6
5.1 采用先进的提取技术 6
5.1.1 微波萃取技术在天然色素提取中的应用 6
5.1.2 超临界CO2萃取技术的优势 7
5.1.3 高压脉冲电场技术在色素提取中的创新应用 7
5.2 优化提取工艺参数 7
5.2.1 探究温度对提取效率的影响 7
5.2.2 调整溶剂种类与浓度以优化提取效果 8
5.2.3 研究pH值变化对色素稳定性的提升 8
5.3 强化纯化工艺 9
5.3.1 引入高效膜分离技术提高色素纯度 9
5.3.2 优化色谱纯化流程以减少杂质含量 9
5.3.3 利用超滤技术改善天然色素的澄清度 9
5.4 加强综合利用与环保处理 10
5.4.1 废弃物资源化利用策略 10
5.4.2 环保型提取溶剂的筛选与应用 10
5.4.3 色素生产废水的深度处理与回收 11
六、结论 11
参考文献 12



