Abstract:This paper aims to explore the relationship between the male image in Qing Dynasty novels and the changes of social ethical concepts. Through the analysis of Qing Dynasty novels and the study of social ethics, this paper reveals the diversity and evolution of male image in Qing Dynasty novels. The orientation and requirement of male image in Qing Dynasty's social ethics changed, which influenced the shaping of male image in Qing Dynasty novels. This paper analyzes the relationship between the male image and the change of social ethics concept by discussing the image of the wise king and crafty sycophants, the image of the wise man and the image of the mediocre man. The research results show that the shaping of male image in Qing Dynasty reflects the changes of social ethical concepts, and the changes of social ethical concepts have an important impact on the shaping of male image. There is interaction and influence between the male image and the change of social ethical concepts.
Key words:Qing Dynasty novels, male image, social ethics, change, shaping
题目:清代小说中的男性形象与社会伦理观念变迁 1
摘要: 1
1 绪论 2
1.1研究背景和意义 2
1.2国内外研究现状和进展 2
1.3研究方法和内容 2
2.清代小说的发展与特点 2
2.1清代小说的时代背景和地位 2
2.2清代小说的流派和代表作品 3
2.3清代小说中的男性形象的普遍存在 3
3.清代社会伦理观念的变迁 4
3.1清代社会伦理观念的基本特点 4
3.2清代社会伦理观念中男性形象的定位与要求 4
3.3清代社会伦理观念变迁对男性形象的影响 5
4.清代小说中的男性形象 5
4.1清代小说中的明君与奸佞形象 5
4.2清代小说中的贤士与庸才形象 5
4.3清代小说中的侠士与普通男子形象 6
5.男性形象与社会伦理观念变迁的关系 6
5.1清代男性形象的塑造与社会伦理观念的反映 6
5.2社会伦理观念变迁对男性形象的塑造影响 7
5.3男性形象与社会伦理观念变迁的相互作用 7
结论 8
参考文献 8
致谢 8