
摘  要

关键词:工业互联网  边缘计算  数据处理  安全性

The rapid development of the industrial Internet has increased the need for real-time data processing, security, privacy protection, and device compatibility. By connecting industrial equipment and systems, the industrial Internet realizes the real-time collection and analysis of production data, and supports intelligent manufacturing. However, traditional cloud computing faces high latency, bandwidth limitations and privacy risks when processing large amounts of industrial data. Edge computing reduces latency and improves efficiency and data security by pushing resources to the edge of the network. This paper discusses the application of edge computing in the industrial Internet, summarizes the basic concepts and characteristics of the industrial Internet and edge computing, analyzes the challenges of edge computing, and proposes the countermeasures to optimize data flow processing, enhance security and privacy protection, promote device standardization and optimize network connectivity. The research provides theoretical and practical guidance for the application of edge computing in the industrial Internet.

Key words:Industrial Internet; Edge computing; Data processing; Security

目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
第2章 相关理论概述 2
2.1 边缘计算基础 2
2.2 工业互联网概念 2
第3章 边缘计算在工业互联网中的应用挑战 3
3.1 数据处理与分析挑战 3
3.2 安全性与隐私保护挑战 3
3.3 设备兼容性与标准化挑战 4
3.4 网络连接性与稳定性挑战 5
第4章 边缘计算在工业互联网中的应用对策 6
4.1 提升数据处理与分析能力 6
4.1.1 优化数据流处理架构 6
4.1.2 引入高效数据分析算法 6
4.2 增强安全性与隐私保护 7
4.2.1 实施先进的安全协议 7
4.2.2 加强数据加密与访问控制 7
4.3 推动设备兼容性与标准化 8
4.3.1 促进设备标准化工作 8
4.3.2 提高设备间互操作性 9
4.4 优化网络连接性与稳定性 10
4.4.1 部署可靠的网络基础设施 10
4.4.2 应用网络连接冗余技术 10
第5章 结论 12
参考文献 13
致  谢 14
