
摘  要


关键词:信息检索技术 数字图书馆系统 自然语言处理


Under the tide of digital age, digital library, as an important direction of traditional library transformation to modernization, the design and application of information retrieval technology is particularly important. Information retrieval technology is not only related to the efficient use of digital library resources, but also directly affects the user experience and satisfaction. This paper aims to discuss the design and application of information retrieval technology in digital library system, analyze its key technology, system architecture, and optimization strategy in actual operation, in order to provide reference for the further improvement of digital library system. With the rapid development of information technology, digital library has become an important channel for people to get information. As one of the core functions of digital library system, the performance of information retrieval technology directly affects the efficiency and accuracy of information acquisition by users. Therefore, the design of efficient and intelligent information retrieval system is very important for the development of digital library. In the digital library system, the design of information retrieval technology needs to consider the diversity and complexity of resources and the personalized needs of users. First of all, we need to build a comprehensive information retrieval model to achieve efficient retrieval of various types of resources, including text, pictures, audio and video. Secondly, through the introduction of natural language processing, machine learning and other advanced technologies, to achieve a deep understanding of the user's query intent, improve the accuracy and relevance of retrieval. In addition, it is necessary to design a reasonable indexing mechanism to improve the efficiency and response speed of retrieval. In the digital library system, the application of information retrieval technology is reflected in many aspects.

Keywords: Information retrieval technology  digital library system  natural language processing

目  录
1 引言 1
2 信息检索技术基础 1
2.1 信息检索技术概念 1
2.2 信息检索模型 1
2.3 信息检索效果评价 2
3 信息检索技术的设计与实现 2
3.1 设计原则与目标 2
3.2 系统架构设计 3
3.3 关键技术选型与实现 4
4 信息检索技术在数字图书馆的应用实例 4
4.1 应用案例分析 4
4.2 应用效果评价 5
4.3 遇到的问题与解决策略 5
5 结论 6
致  谢 7
参考文献 8




